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Sections of ASME Boiler and Pressure vessel Codes (BPVC)
ASME Codes and Standards ASME is the leading international developer of codes and standards associated with the art, science, and practice of mechanical engineering. Starting with the first issuance of its legendary Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code in 1914, ASME’s codes and standards have grown to nearly 600 offerings currently in print. ASME B18.24: Part Identifying Number (PIN) Code System Standard for B18 Fastener Products – Supersedes ASME B18.24.1, B18.24.2, and B18.24.3 ASME B18.25.1M: Square and Rectangular Keys and Keyways.
- 1) The code addresses the structural integrity of the piping system. The designer is responsible for all other aspects of the design including the functional design of the system. 2) Recommendations for applying ASME B31.3 Code to repairs, modifications, and maintenance are provided in Appendix P.
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The following list includes some of the most widely used Boiler and Pressure Vessel codes (BPVC) prepared and published by ASME.
Section I……………………Rules for construction of Power Boilers
Section II………………….Materials
- Part A. Ferrous Material Specifications
- Part B. Nonferrous Material Specifications
- Part C. Specifications for Welding, Rods, Electrodes and Filler Metals
- Part D. Properties
Section III………………….Rules for Construction of Nuclear Facility Components
Subsection NCA. General Requirements for Divisions 1 and 2
Division 1
- Subsection NB. Class 1 Components
- Subsection NC. Class 2 Components
- Subsection ND. Class 3 Components
- Subsection NE. Class MC Components
- Subsection NF. Supports
- Subsection NG. Core Support Structures
- Subsection NH. Class 1 Components in Elevated Temperature Service
Division 2. Code for Concrete Containment
Division 3. Containment Systems for Storage and Transport Packaging of Spent Nuclear Fuel and High Level Radioactive Materials and Waste
Section IV …………………Rules for Construction of Heating Boilers
Section V………………….Nondestructive Examination
Section VI………………….Recommended Rules for the Care and Operation of Heating Boilers
Section VII…………………Recommended Guidelines for the Care of Power Boilers
Section VIII……………….Rules for Construction of Pressure Vessels
- Division 1. Pressure Vessels
- Division 2. Alternative Rules for Pressure Vessels
- Division 3. Alternative Rules for Construction of High-Pressure Vessels
Section IX…………………Welding and Brazing Qualifications
Section X………………….Fiber-Reinforced Plastic Pressure Vessels
Section XI…………………Rules for Inservice Inspection of Nuclear Power Plant Components
Section XII……………….Rules for Construction and Continued Service of Transport Tanks
Brief introduction of some of the widely used BPVC sections:
SECTION I: Section I gives requirements for construction of
- Power Boilers, Electric Boilers, Miniature boilers
- Heat recovery steam generators (HRSG)
- Power boilers used in Locomotive, Portable and Traction type
- High temperature water tube boilers
- Certain fired pressure vessels to be used in stationary services
SECTION II: Section II is exclusively dedicated to materials and its specifications. These specifications contain requirements for chemical and mechanical properties and other necessary details. It includes four parts viz. Part A, Part B, part C and Part D.
Part A – Ferrous Material Specifications
/hp-compaq-nx6110-display-drivers-for-windows-7.html. It provides specifications for ferrous materials which are suitable for use in the construction of pressure vessels. The specifications provided in this part gives the mechanical properties, heat treatment, heat and product chemical composition and analysis, test specimens, and methodologies of testing. They are designated by ‘SA’ numbers and are identical or similar to those published in ASTM specifications.
Part B – Nonferrous Material Specifications
It provides specifications for nonferrous materials. The specifications provided in this Part specify the mechanical properties, heat treatment, heat and product chemical composition and analysis, test specimens, and methodologies of testing. They are designated by SB’ numbers and are identical or similar to those published in ASTM specifications.
Part C – Specifications for Welding Rods, Electrodes, and Filler Metals
It provides mechanical properties, heat treatment, heat and product chemical composition and analysis, test specimens, and methodologies of testing for welding rods, filler metals and electrodes used in the construction of pressure vessels.
They are designated with ‘SFA’ numbers which is derived from the American Welding Society (AWS) specifications.
Part D – Properties (Customary/Metric)
It provides tables for the design stress values, tensile and yield stress values and material properties.
SECTION III: It provides guidelines for construction of nuclear facility components and supports as well. Section III includes different divisions and subsections.
SECTION IV: Provides guidelines for design, fabrication, installation and inspection Heating boilers, such boilers are primarily used for:
- Steam Heating
- Hot water heating
- Hot water supply boilers
- Potable water heaters
These boilers are meant for low pressure service and are directly fired by solid or liquid fuels such as coal, oil, gas, electricity etc.
SECTION V: This section is dedicated Non-Destructive tests (NDT). It provides for requirements and methods for non-destructive tests. It also contains the detailed duties of authorized inspectors, manufacturer’s examination responsibility, and requirements for qualification of personnel, inspection and examination. These examination methods are a key to detect the discontinuities present in the material, weld and fabricated components. It also includes a glossary of all related terms.
SECTION VI: Provides guidelines for operation and maintenance of Heating boilers which are manufactured as per Section IV.
Section VI also covers guidelines for associated controls and automatic fuel-burning.
SECTION VII: Provides guidelines for operation, maintenance and inspection of power boilers. It also includes the necessary guidelines for operation of auxiliary equipments and appliances that are directly responsible for safe and reliable operation of power boilers.
Boilers which come under the purview of Section VII are Stationary, Portable and Traction type boilers, but not Locomotive and High temperature water boilers, Heating boilers (Section VI) and Nuclear power plant boilers (Section XI).
SECTION VIII: It provides detailed guidelines for the design, fabrication, testing, inspection, and certification of pressure vessels (both fired and unfired). Section VIII includes three divisions viz. Division I, Division II and Division III
Division 1: Division provides guidelines for design, fabrication, inspection, testing and certification of pressure vessels operating at either internal or external pressures exceeding 15 psi (100 Kpa).
Division 2: It provides requirements for the materials, design, and Non destructive examination for pressure vessels. Division 2 standards are more rigorous than division 1. However it allows for higher stress intensity values. These rules may also be applied to human occupancy pressure vessels such as those used in the diving industry.
Division 3: It provides guidelines for pressure vessels operating at or more than 10,000 psi (in general) either internally or externally. Maximum pressure limit is no where mentioned in the code even in divisions 1 and 2 too.
SECTION IX: This Section covers necessary guidelines and requirements pertaining to welding and brazing procedures (as per the requirements of other BPVC standards). It also contains guidelines for qualification and requalification of welders, welding operators and brazing operators. It also contains all the essential, non essential and supplementary essential variables required for welding and brazing.
Section IX is further divided into four parts, Namely
- Part QG: Contains General Requirements for all material – joining processes (viz. Welding, Brazing and Plastic Fusing)
- Part QW: Contains requirements for Welding
- Part QB: Contains requirements for Brazing
- Part QF: Contains requirements for Plastic Fusing
(NOTE: Detailed summary for Section IX including preparation of welding procedure specification (WPS), steps followed for Procedure Qualification Record (PQR), Welder performance qualification test, range and limits etc. has been explained separately).
To learn the steps involved in writing a welding procedure specification, please click here.
To understand welder performance qualification, Please click here.
To understand the thickness limit for performance and prcocedure qualification, please click here.
SECTION XII: It provides guidelines for construction and continued service of pressure vessels used for transportation of dangerous goods at pressures from full vacuum to 3000 psi and volume greater than 120 gallons.
List of some of the most widely used ASME Standards:
CSD-1……………………….Controls and Safety Devices for Automatically-fired Boilers
B1.1………………………….Unified Inch Screw Threads (UN and UNR Thread Form)
B1.20.1 …………………….Pipe Threads, General Purpose (Inch)
B16.1…………………………Cast-iron Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings
B16.3…………………………Malleable Iron Threaded Fittings, Classes 150 and 300
B16.4…………………………Gray Iron Threaded Fittings, Class 125 and 250
B16.5…………………………Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings
B16.9…………………………Factory-made Wrought Steel Buttwelding Fittings
B16.11 ………………………Forged Fittings, Socket-Welding and Threaded
B16.15 ………………………Cast-bronze Threaded Fittings, Classes 125 and 250
B16.20 ………………………Ring-joint Gaskets and Grooves for Steel Pipe Flanges
B16.24 ………………………Cast Copper Alloy Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings
B16.25 ………………………Buttwelding Ends
B16.28 ………………………Wrought Steel Buttwelding Short Radius Elbows and Returns
B16.34 ………………………Valves — Flanged, Threaded and Welding End
B16.42 ………………………Ductile Iron Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings, Classes 150 and 300
B16.47 ………………………Large Diameter Steel Flanges, NPS 26 Through NPS 60
B18.2.2 ……………………. Square and Hex Nuts (Inch Series)
B31.1 ………………………… Power Piping
B31.2 ………………………… Fuel Gas Piping
B31.3 ………………………… Process Piping
B31.4 ………………………… Pipeline Transportation Systems for Liquid Hydrocarbons and Other Liquids
B31.5 ………………………… Refrigeration Piping and Heat Transfer Components
B31.8 ………………………… Gas Transmission and Distribution Piping
B31.9 ………………………… Building Services Piping
B31.11 ……………………… Slurry Transportation Piping
B36.10M …………………… Welded and Seamless Wrought Steel Pipe
QAI-1 …………………………. Qualifications for Authorized Inspection
PVHO-1 ………………………. Safety Standard for Pressure Vessels for Human Occupancy
ASME PERFORMANCE TEST CODE PTC 25…………………….Pressure Relief Devices
List of important ASNT Standards
Mix virtual dj pro 6. 0 4 download. ACCP …………………………Central Certification Program
CP-189 …………………….Standard for Qualification and Certification of Nondestructive Testing Personnel
SNT-TC-1A……………… Recommended Practice for Personnel Qualification and Certification in Nondestructive Testing
List of some of the most widely used ASTM standards
A 126………………………. Standard Specification for Gray Iron Castings for Valves, Flanges and Pipe Fittings
B 139 ……………………….Standard Specification for Phosphor-Bronze Rod, Bar and Shapes
D 56…………………………. Standard Test Methods for Flash Point by Tag Closed Tester
D 93…………………………. Standard Test Methods for Flash Point by Pensky-Martens Closed Tester
E 8 …………………………….Standard Test Methods of Tension Testing of Metallic Materials
E 83………………………….Methods of Verification and Classification of Extensometers
E 125…………………………Reference Photographs for Magnetic Particle Indication on Ferrous Castings
E 140…………………………Hardness Conversion Tables for Metals
E 186…………………………Standard Reference Radiographs for Heavy-walled (2 to 4-1/2 inch) Steel Castings
E 208…………………………Method of Conducting Drop Weight Test to Determine Nil Ductility Transition Temperature of Ferritic Steel
E 280………………………… Standard Reference Radiographs for Heavy-walled (4-1/2 to 12-inch) Steel Castings
E 446………………………… Standard Reference Radiographs for Steel Castings up to 2 Inches in Thickness
Important ASME Designators
ASME Code designators and the associated sections of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code are listed for user’s convenience:
Section I……………………A, E, M, PP, S, V
Section II………………….None
Section III………………….N, NA, NPT, NV
Section IV …………………H, HLW, HV
Section VIII……………….Division 1: U, UM, UV
Division 2: U2, UV
Division 3: U3, UV3
Section XII……………….T, TD, TV
Read more: Welding Electrodes
Read more: Welding Procedure Specification (WPS)
Read more: Welding Positions
Read more: Liquid Penetrant Test (LPT/PT/DPT)
Asme Codes And Standards Free Download Torrent 64-bit
The safety code for elevators and escalators, ASME A17.1-2019, or, if you’re in Canada, CSA B44-2019, has been revised. ASME A17.1/CSA B44-2019: Safety Code For Elevators And Escalators serves as a basis for the design, construction, installation, operation, testing, inspection, maintenance, alteration, and repair of elevators, dumbwaiters, escalators, moving walks, and material lifts.
The Safety Code forElevators
What goes up must come down, or, in the case of elevators(lifts), must descend basically the same way it rises. Enhancing skywardsconstruction by permitting taller buildings, or just allowing an easier upwardsroute for those of us who just don’t feel like taking the stairs, elevatorsfortify the modern life in which we thrive. In all, U.S. elevatorsmake 18 billion passenger trips each year.
ASMEA17.1-2019, as a code, is intended to provide safety of life and limb andpromote public welfare. It covers not only elevators, escalators, moving walks,dumbwaiters, material lifts, and related equipment, but also their associatedparts, rooms, spaces, and hoistways.
The ASMEA17.1-2019 document is broken up into specific parts to ease compliance.Each part, other than those detailing general requirements, cover a specific equipment—electricelevators, hydraulic elevators, elevators with other types of driving machines,special application elevators, escalators and moving walks, and dumbwaiters andmaterial lifts. In all, this document details a range of interests, but issuccinct enough to be adopted by regulatory bodies.
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Please note that ASME A17.1-2019 excludes specific equipment covered by other standards and codes, including those specified in other ASME A17 standards. Furthermore, the code applies to new installations only, except for specific sections outlined in the document. If you’d like to learn about the various other standards in this series (including the safety code for existing elevators and escalators, ASME A17.3), please refer to our post ASME A17 Elevator Safety Standards.
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If you need to acquire numerous standards in this series, you can get them bundled together at a discount as the ASME A17. Elevator and Escalator Safety Package.
Changes to ASMEA17.1-2019/CSA B44-2019
The safety code for elevators dates back just about onecentury, so, over the years, numerous revisions have kept it current. With thesechanges, the scope of the document has expanded, accommodating not justelevators but also escalators, dumbwaiters, and other equipment types. Decadesof changes have developed ASMEA17.1-2019 into an expansive and hefty document, comprehensivelyapproaching various topics pertinent to elevators and other machinery in itsover 500 pages of content.
Continuing this tradition, ASMEA17.1-2019, as the twenty-second edition of the code, features an abundanceof revisions. Important changes to this standard include:
- Updates to door requirements in privateresidence elevators and occupant evacuation elevators.
- Seismic requirements for elevators andescalators were clarified.
- Updates were made to emergency communicationrequirements for an elevator to ensure communication with any trappedpassengers, including those who are hearing impaired.
- Requirements were modified for increased doorprotection on passenger elevators.
If you’re interested in the changes made to the previous,2016 edition of this standard, please refer to our post on ASMEA17.1-2016: Safety Code for Elevators and Escalators.
For a more comprehensive outlook of all editions andsupplements of ASME A17.1, as well as when they were approved, issued, andeffective, you can refer to the foreword of the standard document.
CSA B44-2019: SafetyCode for Elevators and Escalators
In Canada, the safety code for elevators and escalators isCSA B44. This standard, persisting nearly as long as ASME A17.1, helpsfacilitate the implementation of uniform legislation across Canada. Today, muchlike ASME A17.1, CSA B44 covers the design, installation, and maintenance ofelevators, escalators, dumbwaiters, moving walks, and material lifts, and itsminimum requirements are suitable for adoption by regulatory authoritiesthroughout Canada.
For over ten years, now, the CSA B44 Technical Committee onthe Elevator Safety Code and the ASME A17 Committee on Elevators and Escalatorsjointly develop ASME A17.1 and CSA B44 to harmonize provisions. Therefore,these standards are published as the same document.
For those seeking to use the document in Canada, ASMEA17.1/CSA B44-2019 consists of the complete ASME A17.1 code, withadditional requirements applicable only in Canadian jurisdictions. To findthese Canadian requirements, they are prefaced in the body of the code with:
“In jurisdictions enforcing the NBCC …”
ASMEA17.1/CSA B44-2019: Safety Code For Elevators And Escalators is availableon the ANSI Webstore.