Pro E To Step Converter
Converting Pro/E drawings to another format without Pro/E
Headquarters & Technical Agency 99, rue de Gerland F-69007 Lyon Tel +33 478 396 369 Fax +33 426 299 867 Access map. Administration & Sales 2, rue des Ecoles. Importing and Converting from PTC Pro/E and Creo CAD Files For over 25 years Okino Computer Graphics has provided the absolute defacto Pro/E & 'Creo Elements/Pro' conversion system used throughout the world by our user base of many tens of thousands of 3D professionals for mission and application-critical applications. Engineering- Quality STEP converter, IGES converter, Pro. E/Creo Converter, Parasolid Converter & ACIS SAT Importer Converter. Family Tables are collections of parts (or assemblies or features) that are essentially similar, but deviate slightly in one or two aspects, such as size or detail features.
Converting Pro/E drawings to another format without Pro/E
My company bought a product line from another company. This other company used Pro/E to create their drawings. I use Solid Edge and I can't open Pro/E drawings. Is there a software package that my company can buy that converts Pro/E drawings to another format, such as DXF?
By the way, we've already asked the other company to convert the drawings. Unfortunately, that is currently not part of the agreement.
Any help or suggestions you can provide will be greatly appreciated.
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Maximum file size is 100 MB for paid conversions.
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Input file formats:
CAD formats:Pro E To Step Converter Pdf
Autocad 3D DWG (dwg), SolidWorks (sldprt, sldasm), Inventor (ipt, iam), CATIA V5, JT, Pro/ENGINEER (prt, asm), NX (prt), Parasolid (x_t, x_b, xmt, xmt_txt), PLMXML, SolidEdge (par, asm, pwd, psm), RHINO (3dm), OneSpace Designer (pkg, bdl)
Pro E To Step Converter Mp4
Graphical formats:
Autodesk 3D Studio (3DS), SketchUp (skp), Wavefront OBJ (obj), VRML (wrl, vrml), CGR, Collada (dae), 3D PDF (pdf, prc, u3d)
Neutral & Other formats:
STEP (stp, step), IGES (igs, iges), STL, CATIA V4 (model, dlv, exp, session), CADDS (_pd), I-DEAS (arc, unv, mf1, prt, pkg)
Output file formats:
COLLADA (*.dae), OBJ (obj), 3D PDF (pdf), STL (stl), 3D Studio (3ds)