Simple Car Racing Game Code In Dev C%2b%2b
- Simple Car Racing Game Code In Dev C 2b 2b 1
- Simple Car Racing Game Code In Dev C 2b 2b 1b
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- Simple Car Racing Game Code In Dev C 2b 2b 4
I wasn’t really much for going to the arcades when I was younger… I didn’t need ‘em withawesome C64 games sitting at home… but there were 3 arcade games that could always get mymoney - Donkey Kong, Dragons Lair, and Outrun…
A popular programming and development blog. Here you can learn C, C, Java, Python, Android Development, PHP, SQL, JavaScript,.Net, etc. Simple program to create a moving car in graphics - The Crazy Programmer.
/. Language: C C (To convert to C, just change cout to printf and cin to scanf and change the library files) Category: Games Graphics Description: RACE CRAZE::A car racing game. You have to reach the finish line before the time goes out. There are many hurdles in your way. In this program, we will draw a moving car using line and circles. Functions used in program: delay(n): This function is used for holding the program output for a small period of time since processing is very fast so use it to see the result. Fixed the incorrectly set HTML tags (please, whoever did paste this code in there: make sure you set the correct pre type!! The only symbols that for some reason require HTML tags are the angular brackets used for include statements and for template arguments; everything else should not use HTML tags, it might just garble the output). (There's not really a legitimate case for changing the make of a car, for example, without demoting the car object to a simple value holder. If that's all you want, use a struct:P) $ endgroup $ – cHao Apr 9 '15 at 7:59. CAR RACE IN TURBO C Description: It is a Car race game with 5 levels and 3 life. The author may have retained certain copyrights to this code.please observe.
… and I really loved Outrun, the speed, the hills, the palm trees and the music - even thelowly c64 version.
So, I wanted to try my hand at an old-school pseudo-3d racing game, a-la outrun, pitstop orpole-position. I dont plan on building a fully fleshed out and finishedgame but thought it would be fun to re-examine the mechanics of how these games pulledoff their tricks. The curves, the hills, the sprites and the feeling of speed…
So, here’s a “weekend” project that ended up taking about 5 or 6 weekends…
- view the source code
- read more about how it work
The playable version is more of a tech demo than an actual game. In fact, if youwere going to build a real pseudo-3d racing game, this would be just the minimal pointfrom which to start turning it into a game.
Without the polish, it’s a little ugly, but its fully functional, and I can show youhow to implement it yourself in four easy sections…
- read more about v1 - straight roads
- read more about v2 - curves
- read more about v3 - hills
- read more about v4 - final
Or you can just play…
- the straight road demo
- the curves demo
- the hills demo
- the final version
A note on performance
The performance of this game is very machine/browser dependent. It works quite well in modernbrowsers, especially those with GPU canvas acceleration, but a bad graphics driver can kill it stonedead. So your mileage may vary. There are controls provided to change the rendering resolutionand the draw distance to scale to fit your machine.
Currently supported browsers include:
- Firefox (v12+) works great, 60fps at high res - Nice!
- Chrome (v19+) works great, 60fps at high res… provided you dont have a bad GPU driver
- IE9 - ok, 30fps at medium res… not great, but at least it works
Simple Car Racing Game Code In Dev C 2b 2b 1
The current state of mobile browser performance is pretty dismal. Dont expect this to be playable onany mobile device.
NOTE: I havent actually spent anytime optimizing for performance yet. So it might be possible tomake it play well on older browsers, but that’s not really what this project is about.
A note on code structure
This project happens to be implemented in javascript (because its easy for prototyping) butis not intended to demonstrate javascript techniques or best practices. In fact, in order tokeep it simple to understand it embeds the javascript for each example directly in the HTMLpage (horror!) and, even worse, uses global variables and functions (OMG!).
If I was building a real game I would have much more structure and organization to thecode, but since its just a racing game tech demo, I have elected to KISS.
I’ve been wanting to try my hand at doing some game development for a while and I finally managed to make a start.
I decided to make a simple driving game using HTML5. I began doing a bit of a search for tutorials which build a simple top view racing game but didn’t stumble upon any for HTML5. I did find a flash tutorial which I have used as a starting point.
In this series:
You can see the latest version on github (
I grabbed a top view sprite of a car and started to build the code.
Simple Car Racing Game Code In Dev C 2b 2b 1b
The basic files
I have kept this really simple, so there is just one HTML file and CSS file and then I am adding links to individual JavaScript files manually.
NB. I’m not going to cover the basics of clearing the canvas and triggering another animation timeout as that would make this article unnecessarily long and there is plenty of information out there. You can also take a look through the code on github as it’s pretty simple.
The HTML file looks like this:
The helpers file includes some useful helper methods for working with canvas. One of the really helpful functions which I have picked up from a Creative Js article is the drawRotatedImage
This function is used to draw the car image on to the canvas at a particular angle. Tamil fonts for android phones free download.
I didn’t want my car to accelerate and turn in a linear fasion so I altered the acceleration code to use multiplication instead of simple addition and subtraction.
My Car
object held all the properties needed to determine the state of how the car is moving.
I also separated out the instructions for accelerating, decelerating and turning from the keyboard event listeners so that I can hook it up to other devices later.
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Where Next
I’m now looking in to how to do collision detection, which is proving to be a bit of a brain freeze.
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I’ll also add an online playable version at some point.